Thursday, February 18, 2010

High blood pressure (HBP)

What is high blood pressure?

High blood pressure (HBP) or hypertension means high pressure (tension) in the arteries. Arteries are vessels that carry blood from the pumping heart to all the tissues and organs of the body. High blood pressure does not mean excessive emotional tension, although emotional tension and stress can temporarily increase blood pressure. Normal blood pressure is below 120/80; blood pressure between 120/80 and 139/89 is called "pre-hypertension", and a blood pressure of 140/90 or above is considered high.

The top number, the systolic blood pressure, corresponds to the pressure in the arteries as the heart contracts and pumps blood forward into the arteries. The bottom number, the diastolic pressure, represents the pressure in the arteries as the heart relaxes after the contraction. The diastolic pressure reflects the lowest pressure to which the arteries are exposed.

An elevation of the systolic and/or diastolic blood pressure increases the risk of developing heart (cardiac) disease, kidney (renal) disease, hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis), eye damage, and stroke (brain damage). These complications of hypertension are often referred to as end-organ damage because damage to these organs is the end result of chronic (long duration) high blood pressure. For that reason, the diagnosis of high blood pressure is important so efforts can be made to normalize blood pressure and prevent complications.

It was previously thought that rises in diastolic blood pressure were a more important risk factor than systolic elevations, but it is now known that in people 50 years or older systolic hypertension represents a greater risk.

The American Heart Association estimates high blood pressure affects approximately one in three adults in the United States - 73 million people. High blood pressure is also estimated to affect about two million American teens and children, and the Journal of the American Medical Association reports that many are under-diagnosed. Hypertension is clearly a major public health problem.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Saiful says.......

Sebahagian intipati menarik sepanjang tiga hari pertama keterangan Saiful:

* Saiful serahkan polis seluar dalam berwarna biru gelap jenama Levis, yang dipakai semasa kejadian dan baju kemeja hijau jenama G2000;

* Saiful juga serahkan baju kemeja biru lembut jenama Ralph Lauren, yang dipakai pada masa kejadian dan cecair pelincir KY Jelly pada 28 Jun 2008, dua hari selepas kejadian;

* Saiful turut serahkan sehelai lagi seluar dalam berwarna kelabu jenama Levis yang dipakainya semasa membuat laporan polis pada 28 Jun 2008, yang diambil di tepi mesin basuh di rumah tunangnya;

* Saiful turut mengesahkan 10 barang kes lain, termasuk calitan dari bawah lidah, badan dan sekitar dubur serta sampel darah untuk profil DNA;

* Saiful pergi ke kondominium tersebut dengan hanya perlu menyebut perkataan “Mokhtar” sebagai kata laluan;

* Saiful hanya bekerja dengan Anwar empat bulan iaitu awal Mac 2008 sehingga 28 Jun tahun 2008. Berhenti sebagai pembantu peribadinya kerana tidak sanggup lagi diliwat oleh majikannya itu;

* Saiful berhenti kerja kerana tidak rela lagi diperlakukan seperti dalam pertuduhan;

* Mahkamah kemudian membenarkan perkataan “lagi” dikeluarkan;

* Saiful mula bekerja seminggu sebelum pilihan raya umum ke-12. Ditugaskan sebagai sukarelawan iaitu mengatur jadual perjalanan pilihan raya dan program pilihan raya bagi Anwar;

* Setelah dua bulan bekerja, iaitu pada April dia dilantik sebagai pembantu peribadi tetapi tiada surat pelantikan diberikan kepadanya;

* Selaku pembantu peribadi, empat tugas Saiful ialah mengatur pertemuan sulit Anwar untuk berkomunikasi dengan ejen ahli-ahli Parlimen yang ingin lompat parti, membantu Ibrahim Yaakub iaitu pembantu khas Anwar bagi mengatur jadual Anwar, membuat filing dokumen sulit Anwar seperti penyata bank dan mengawal selia telefon bimbit peribadi Anwar pada setiap pagi seperti memeriksa SMS dalam telefon itu;

* Saiful dibayar gaji secara rasmi RM1,000 sebulan dan diberikan elaun ASD$1,000 dan HKD$10,000, bergantung pada lawatan yang diikutinya;

* Bekas pelajar jurusan Kejuruteraan Kuasa Elektrik Uniten terkandas kerana kerana gagal dalam peperiksaan;

* Saiful telah pergi ke tiga buah hospital, termasuk dua hospital swasta, untuk membuat pemeriksaan kerana sakit perut dan dubur. Dia juga tidak membuang air besar selama dua hari;

* Anwar dikatakan tawar bantuan kewangan untuk Saiful belajar; dan

* Mahkamah juga melawat kondominum itu dua kali minggu lalu.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

History of Industrial Technology


Industry the world over constantly strives to improve its production output without increasing its manufacturing costs. The greatest leap in industry was during the 18th century when machine power replaced manually operated machinery. But it was not until the 1970's that the next great leap occured, during the sixties semiconductors started to make themselves known, out went the valve and in came the transitor, which was only a tenth of the size of the valve and required minimal power to operate.

During the late sixties microprocessors came into being and this created a giant leap in how industry would operate. Up until then machinery was controlled by control panels that consisted mainly of relays, the wiring need was immense as was the panel size. Having to make alterations to the manufactring process meant a lengthy downtime as the panels were re-wired or added to. So it was inevitable that the technological advances in microprocessor development would change this for ever.

In the late 1960’s a group of engineers in America came together and looked at how the micropocessor could be used to revolutionize industrial control, one of the problems they faced was that programming was essentially the role of electronic engineers who understood both high and low level languages - Cobol - C - Basic and Assembly. Industry mainly employed Electrical engineers who understood electrical wiring diagrams and relay control. So it was decided to use the power and speed of the microprocessor to provide both manufacturing process control/monitoring along with interpruting a program that could be written similar to an electrical wiring diagram - it was called Ladder programming, the the PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers) was born. Once electrical engineers learnt how to use the PLC, it became easy for them to modify and write programs to operate production processes and even more importantly to use the PLC to diagnose faults and so reduce downtime.

The electronic industry is divided into two main sectors, microprocessor and power, now that the microprocessor had found its place in industry it was up to power electronics to make its mark, this occured with the introduction of Triacs and Thyristors that were now capable of conducting 100’s of amperes, this meant that the relay and contactor world was about to take a large reduction in sales, these power components were unaffected by the problems that relays suffered, no arcing was produced as did in relay contacts when its contacts close, no mechanical wear and tear, no need for slow switching operation.

And so the new industrial revolution was born, power electronics joined with microprocessor technology and created Servo control that allowed motors to be more accurately and reliably controlled, Temperature control was increased to within a few tenths of a degree, Sensor technology replaced the need to have human visual inspection, and so on. With all these new advances production speed increased ten fold.

The demand for further increased productivity seems to be a never ending quest, managers in the 1980’s and 1990’s were finding it difficult to increase productivity without the right information that would allow them to make correct decisions at the right time. So SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data acquisition) was born, this allowed the shopfloor technology to be monitored and controlled in real time from a central location, production data could then linked into the company servers and databases that could be introduced into analysis tools that would allow managers to graphically see how the company was performing, this became today's MES (Manufacturing Execution System).......